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What would be the best way to handle trees grown in Knit Fabric containers when they are harvested?

We suggest that harvested trees in Knit Fabric containers be placed above ground and NOT mulched in. The main reason mulching is done is to keep B&B trees from blowing over and to aid the tree, since 95% or more of the roots were lost in harvesting. If you place the trees grown in Knit Fabric containers above ground, the flat bottoms help them stand erect and if you do not mulch, you get air-pruning around the outside. Once above ground, and when not mulched in, with the first flush of growth the tree will produce another cycle of root branching within the rootball which will also be air-pruned. The primary reason for moving trees grown in Knit Fabric containers into containers is appearance and ease of handling. Once trees are harvested and placed above ground, the Knit Fabric containers are unattractive. When placed in RootBuilder® or RootTrapper® soft-sided containers, the trees look great, especially in the white RootTrapper®, and are available to sell all summer.